The World Cups of Brazil
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The World Cups of Brazil
In 1993, a German photographer met a beauty in Brazil. He convinced her to try modeling in Germany. Angelique accepted the offer. Angelique loved Germany and the German people so much that she settled there. She and the photographer sent a letter to SCORE. In a short time, Angelique was flying to London. Her debut in SCORE earned her the cover of the December 1994 edition. That meant instant stardom in the big-bust world.
There were two phases to Angelique's career. The first spanned the period from her discovery in 1994 to 1999. She sailed on two Boob Cruises and did many shoots at SCORE's London studio and on-location in the Caribbean.
I first met Angelique at a video convention in Las Vegas. She was with two of SCORE's owners and the German photographer. She caused a mob scene. A few years later in 1997, I met her again on Boob Cruise #3. Angelique had attended Boob Cruise #2 and loved it, so she was back in her element on the third sailing.
While Angelique was never a… Read More »
There were two phases to Angelique's career. The first spanned the period from her discovery in 1994 to 1999. She sailed on two Boob Cruises and did many shoots at SCORE's London studio and on-location in the Caribbean.
I first met Angelique at a video convention in Las Vegas. She was with two of SCORE's owners and the German photographer. She caused a mob scene. A few years later in 1997, I met her again on Boob Cruise #3. Angelique had attended Boob Cruise #2 and loved it, so she was back in her element on the third sailing.
While Angelique was never a… Read More »
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