Stephanie Stalls' first fuck
Stephanie Stalls' first fuck
We're always happy and proud to have busty dancer Stephanie Stalls because Stephanie fucks so well and yet she has only done it on-camera for SCORE. This is a great thing. Stephanie is a horny, sexy, big-titted feature dancer who could easily pad her resume by fucking on-camera all over the fucking place, but she doesn't. She fucks only for us because she likes us and trusts us. Trust is a big thing for a lot of girls.
Stephanie is the type of girl who appeals to a lot of guys. She's been a blonde and a brunette. She's short 'n' stacked. She's a man's lady in that she can throw back a beer and play a round of darts with the best of them. She takes a lot of pride in her dancing.
"I'm part Cherokee, Irish and Scottish," she said. "For my Indian princess show, I also have a stuffed coyote that I put on stage. It's been through a taxidermist. It looks like it's howling at the moon. And in the background I have a white circle, and when we shine a light behind it, it looks like the moon.… Read More »
Stephanie is the type of girl who appeals to a lot of guys. She's been a blonde and a brunette. She's short 'n' stacked. She's a man's lady in that she can throw back a beer and play a round of darts with the best of them. She takes a lot of pride in her dancing.
"I'm part Cherokee, Irish and Scottish," she said. "For my Indian princess show, I also have a stuffed coyote that I put on stage. It's been through a taxidermist. It looks like it's howling at the moon. And in the background I have a white circle, and when we shine a light behind it, it looks like the moon.… Read More »
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